domingo, noviembre 26, 2006

Kabuki-za (Teatro Kabuki)

Ya tengo mi entrada para una representación de Kabuki en el Kabuki-za de Ginza el próximo 2 de diciembre. Según tengo entendido se trata de teatro musical japonés. El programa es el siguiente:

"SHINREI YAGUCHI NO WATASHI (The Crossing at Yaguchi) (4:30pm - 5:40pm)

Young Ofune is an obedient daughter to her evil father Tombei who is the keeper of a river crossing until she meets a handsome fugitive and falls in love. Unfortunately, her father wants to capture the fugitive for a reward and Ofune can only save his life by sacrificing her own. Starring Living National Treasure Tomijuro as Tombei and young Kikunosuke as Ofune.

DEBAUCHI OTAMA (Knife-Throwing Otama) (6:15pm - 7:25pm)

The novelist Ikenami Shotaro (1923-1990) is well known for his tales of Edo magistrates and assassins, but was also a playwright. This play shows the life and loves of Otama, a spirited woman who is skilled at throwing knives. Starring Living National Treasure Kikugoro as Otama.

MOMIJIGARI (The Demoness at the Autumn Foliage Party) (7:45pm - 8:50pm)

One of the most beautiful and spectacular dance plays in the kabuki repertory. A great general (Shoroku) is traveling through the mountains while the autumn leaves are at their height. Mysteriously, a princess (Ebizo) invites him to join a party and all drink and celebrate. In fact, this princess is a demon and is waiting for the moment when the general will fall asleep and she can attack. Featuring the young star Ebizo in a play from his family's tradition, which will be presented in Paris in 2007."

Son casi 4 horas y media (incluyendo descansos). Espero que me guste.

2 comentarios:

Blogger Jose Antonio ha dicho...

Cuatro horas y media.... que pasada.
Vas a echar de menos un "bocata" (de chorizo español) y una cervecita "San Miguel", en los descansos.

10:09 p. m.  
Blogger Pedro Torres ha dicho...


Menos mal que aquí no está el gordo del puro del fútbol que te echa todo el humo.

O ese olor a petardo (=porro) del gallinero del Bernabéu.

12:19 a. m.  

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